Hawaii news television reported that on the opening day of the 41-story Azure Ala Moana building on September 15, hundreds of residents lined up to sign up to buy a home.
Video link: https://www.meipian8.cn/1ltvptju?share_depth=3&user_id=ohbsluJst59MjAm8WssSedeatJBQ&sharer_id=ojq1tt1l846nYHfRs62OPATk2104&first_share_uid=48728405&share_user_mpuuid=4c4348701433408d4da028560bd34277&share_source=singlemessage
Azure Ala Moana sales office
Pacific the Guardian Tower
1440 Kapiolani Boulevard | Suite 1408
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96814
Sales office tel: 808.451.0638